ENR FutureTech

Chris KnightAli Agha, Ph.D.
Field AI

Ali Agha, is the CEO of Field AI, a company focused on developing fully autonomous software for robotic systems on industrial job sites. Prior to Field AI, Dr. Agha was a Technologist and Group Leader at NASA-JPL and Caltech for the previous seven years, where he led the Team CoSTAR and the development of the NeBula autonomy solution. His team placed 1st worldwide at the DARPA Challenge for autonomous Urban-structure Exploration using a team of legged, wheeled, and flying robots. He has led JPL’s team participating in the DARPA RACER program, focused on off-road self-driving heavy vehicles as well. Previously, Dr. Agha was with Qualcomm Research and MIT, leading the perception efforts for robotic autonomy.

